Sunday, April 26, 2015

Evelyn - 5 Months

I can't believe my sweet girl is 5 months old! Time is flying. 

This past month has been crazy! Two teeth, two helmet scans, rolling over from belly to back and vice versa, and a daily-increasing love for this blessing. 

Sister love: 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Green door

It was gorgeous last weekend, and I FINALLY painted the front door to match our updated mailbox! (Good thing too, because it's apparently winter again here, brrr). 

Josh took the door off the hinges for me -- yippee -- made it so much easier to paint. 

I love the color! 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Learning - Letter G


And of course we ate a "bunch" of grapes this week. 

Her giraffe bag - had to find the giraffe in each book. 

Evie rocking her giraffe jammies :

Living Treasures:

Digging for the giraffe in the sandbox:

Glitter - yippee! 

Glitter bag - we laid it over a sheet with a big G and a little g and traced them with our fingers. 

Then we laid it over the letters A - G and pushed around the glitter to find them. 

Glitter jar - shake and all the glitter swirls around. Eventually I'll try as a timeout "timer" as she waits for the glitter to settle. 


How can my baby be teaching my other baby to play peekaboo? When did she get so big? 

I love these two! 

Outside Activities

It's finally nice enough to be outside -- yippee! Ella's a little explorer and would live outside if I let her. 

Ella playing in rain - Evie and I hiding in the garage. 

Lots of walks:

Finds every puddle!


Sandbox on our back deck:



Hanging outside:

Bike riding/scooting:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

G is for Giraffe

This week was "G" week: Grapes, Gillespie, Giraffe, and Glitter. 

So we headed to Living treasures so see the giraffes....Ella hated them. 

She did however love the ducks and the monkeys. 

Some other favorites: 

Evie's first Living Treasures trip: