3:30 - took off her pull up "bed panties"....DRY!!!! So we hopped in the potty. PEE!!! A refill on juice and then off to watch 30 mins of Tinkerbell (she usually only watches TV in car and 30 minutes after her nap, so she was expecting this.)
[I only set the dry panty check for 30 minutes because I wanted to refresh her memory and also that's as long as we watch TV so it's a good transition].
Then this sweetness happened. Oh goodness gracious! Evie is so lucky to have Ella as a big sister.
4:10 - DRY!!! She chose to go outside (obviously)
4:50 - josh gets home
4:53 - first accident :( changed her panties and started our 10 practice runs to get to the potty (on practice runs 5 & 8 she actually went; we have treats on those runs but made her continue her runs).
5:15 - I restarted the clock because she wasn't going to have dry panties. [45 minutes] we went back outside.
5:23 - accident #2; start our practice runs. (On run 1 she peed, but this time I made her wait until the runs were over to eat the treats.)
5:35 - reset the timer for 45 minutes
5:41 - tried to pee
6:14 - PEE!!!!
6:20 - DRY!!!! She chose "Bo cheese" (feta cheese) - it was in the middle of dinner and I didn't really want to introduce toys
6:50 - tried to pee
7:05 - DRY!!!! She chose a brain quest.
7:23 - accident #3 while playing inside. 10 practice runs.
[set the timer only to 20 minutes because it's evident we need to get more reminders]
7:45 - tried to pee
7:47 - DRY!!!! She chose counting bears (Thanks BA!)
8:03 - PEE!!!
8:04 - Switched in her pull up "bed panties" and upstairs for bed.
My goals today were:
- no tears -- CHECK
- no poop on my floor -- CHECK
- my hope was only 3 accidents - 2 pee and one poop. We had 3 pee and no poop accident or success, so I guess that's a -- CHECK
I'm so not looking forward to potty training! Keep going! Day 1 seemed pretty good :) Glad she liked the bears!