Thursday, July 3, 2014

Gender Reveal for Baby #2

Josh and I definitely wanted to find out the gender of our sweet new miracle. With Ellanore, we actually weren't able to see the necessary items so we had to wait (well) past the normal 20 week mark. Luckily, because of placenta previa, they scheduled a followed up ultrasound for 28 weeks. Those were the longest 8 weeks of my life as my crafts, planning, dreaming, and naming had to wait.

I personally love the details in everything. If you invite us over for dinner; I'm excited. Tell me who else is coming, what your serving, that we are using your new patio furniture; and I'm over the moon. So when it comes to my babies, I simply love to dreaming. I love setting up the nursery; knowing who is going to be in there. Do I fantasized about Josh walking her down the aisle or teaching him to play football? 

Praise the Lord - baby #2 was more active and much less shy than Ella. :)

Baby is healthy in every way. God is good.

Now to the exciting stuff!:) The ultrasound tech was able to see gender, but we wanted to save the reveal for our long drive to NH we were starting later that day. I had previously bought 2 onesies, one saying "Little Man of the House" and another saying "Daddy's Little Princess" and placed them both into manila envelopes. At the ultrasound, we gave both envelopes to the tech and asked her to mark the outside of the envelope that contained the correct onesie.

The next day, Friday, as we drove through Vermont we opened the envelope and were delighted to find:

I had previously told a TINY fib to my mom. Since this week, while we are away, I'm 20 weeks - we got to do our ultrasound 1 week early, however I told her we wouldn't know until the week we got back. She was genuinely disappointed - which made the fib all the more fun for me. :)

I brought a pink and blue cake mix with me to my parents house and immediate started baking once we got here at 3pm on Friday. I had to do some swift moves to hide the cakes but was able to keep them hidden. I also brought a tub of blue and pink frosting. After the two PINK heart cakes were cool, I began frosting - half in blue and the other half in pink.

Prior to cutting into the cake, everyone voted on their guess for gender - and everyone guessed boy... 

We let my parents cut into the cake to reveal the color of the cake -- PINK, PINK, PINK, PINK!


  1. :) :) :) so excited for Ella to have a sister!! though I am now only 1 for 2 in guessing your children's genders. Love you!! Congrats!!
