I definitely get in color/decorative moods. Right now I love coral and teal - so Evie's room is coral, teal, and silver. The walls were already grey, and we chose to leave them :)
I felt the colors lended themselves to an ocean feel. I played around with doing mermaids for a while, but ultimately they proved too hard to find as cute mermaids rather than sexy ones. So I went with starfish and seahorses.
Big sister is still sleeping in the crib so we have been moving her things over to her big girl room, so she is enjoying her sister's decorations for now.
Previous posts on the making of the quilt.
(Starfish dish purchased on our vacation this summer)
This coloring is more true to life, and you can see the different shades of the drawers better. Here is the blog post on the making of the dresser.
This pic has no filter so the wall and art look more accurate, but I think it makes the dresser look pink and not coral.
Found the perfect fabric that was a cool water or "mermaid tail" feel as Josh says. (The window is directly across from the door).
Ocean Wave Decal:
I cut this out from sparkly paper. I only runs above the crib, not on all 4 walls. (The crib is on the right side of the room)
Design inspired by my insanely talented sister, Bethany.
Light Covers:
I did this with decorative tape - super easy!