Friday, September 11, 2015

Evelyn's Allergy Testing

In August we had Evie tested for various common allergies because both Josh and Ella have allergies, making Evie much more likely to have allergies. Apparently it is now recommended for children to be introduced to higher allergen food earlier rather than later as previously advised, but I'm not expert!

Luckily we didn't have to do blood testing for this stage and "just" did the scratch test for peanuts, eggs, casing, milk, tree nuts, wheat, and mold. Evie did fabulous and didn't cry until after the 6th scratch.

Praise the Lord! She did not test allergic to anything! So now we work to integrate those foods into her diet to help her body learn to process them so they don't become allergens to her system in the future. Yum, peanut butter!

Shout out to my sweet friend Barbara Anne for offering to watch Ella. It made the appointment much less stressful to be able to just focus on sweet Evie. Grateful for awesome friends from our church. 

The really large spot on the bottom left is her positive test.

She didn't want any of the toys I brought for her after she spotted the blood pressure cuffs. 

Happy to be going home!

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