Sunday, July 22, 2012

Snicker Salad

"They" say that when you marry someone, you marry their family -- obvious enough. I believe what they really mean is you marry their family's traditions, expectations, values -- AND recipes. When I first married Josh, he would say things like, "when my mom makes chilli...", "in my mom's recipe...." After navigating this landmine - we have developed a much better method to discuss cooking and I've worked to incorporate his mom's favorite recipes. (Which I do have to say - Chicken Rollups are to DIE for!)

One recipe I resisted, but now fully embrace, as a Gillespie - is "Snicker Salad." I know - it sounds weird, I thought, and still do think, the same thing every time I hear it! However - it is surprising amazing! Most importantly - it is really easy to make!

You simply need the ingredients in the picture. 3 Green Apples, Snickers bars, Crushed Pineapple, and Cool Whip.

1. Cut up your apples into small pieces - about a 1/4 of an inch - place into your mixing/serving bowl.
2. Similarly, cut up the Snickers. You could use any sized bar, but we went with Minis because they are already cut up a little! :) Add to apples.
3. Remove juice from your pineapple and add to the apples and Snickers.
4. Mix in the Cool Whip
5. Refrigerate and bring into room temp only when ready to eat. The Cool Whip will melt if you have it out for too long.
6. Enjoy - like a true Gillespie!


  1. Nothing with snickers can legitimately be called a salad!

    1. The Gillespies take dessert very seriously! :)
