Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Deck Re-do

My awesome and patient husband has taken on the job of replacing our deck. We removed the old and worn wood boards for composite. Our non-code railing is also being updated. :)

This was definitely the largest house project we have taken on. And it's been intimidating, but Josh has researched so much and been so diligent - I can't wait to see the end result! 

Old deck: 

After Josh ripped up the stairs and took off the boards: 

View from the front door looking out after Eric spent a Friday night helping Josh: 

Eric and Josh worked all day Saturday. They made good progress on the support of the deck: 

Oh yeah - it rained most of the day...

Jonathan and Ella supervisor their dads' work:

First board down! 

Josh worked the entire next weekend too. Ella watched: 

I helped as official "pre-driller":

Our Friday night progress: 

Josh worked all day Saturday while I took Ella to swim lessons: 

Ella organizing the supplies: 

This weekend we wrapped up all of the composite boarding. Josh cut off all the posts and got the covers on: 

Right as Josh was about to screw in the last board, I shouted, "let's add a time capsule!" He indulged me - hope the people enjoy in 15 years! 

Now just railing and stairs left. Go Josh! 


  1. Awesome! As we are just starting our deck I can relate to the amount of work and patience required. Great job, it looks fantastic!

    1. It is a big project - but every time I see it - I feel awesome! Chris will enjoy the process. Josh is happy to talk tools/tips with him if he is interested!
