Sunday, September 14, 2014

Potty Training - First Try Over

Josh and I both agreed - Ella simply wasn't getting the concept, so today it's back to diapers. 

I'm a little sad and disappointed, but she really just wasn't getting it. We will keep her potty out and invite her to join us in the bathroom but we aren't going to push it. 

A much happier mommy: 

And Ella: 

So now that I'm not scared to death for Ella to leave the kitchen or to pick her up - we are onto the next thing! Colors! 

I've got 7 weeks of activities planned to help E learn her colors. That will take us through the first week of November. Depending on how I feel I might do a week on black, white, and brown. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG...adorable (the color activities and you 2 in your kind of matching outfits!)!
